Title page carousel (new!) (912x456 / 720x540 mobile)
Description: Shown on main carousel in homepage

Menu banner (400x360)
Description: Menu banner
Menu banner (new!) (408x306)
Description: Menu banner new

Menu banner (new!) (408x660)
Description: Menu banner new

Category top banner (870x300)
Description: Category top horizontal banner

Category bottom banner (870x160 / 336x100 mobile)
Description: Category bottom horizontal banner

Product page bottom banner (1170x215 / 336x200 mobile)
Description: Product page bottom banner

Product page background (1920x..any height, with gradient fade)
Description: Product page bottom banner
Article (770x160 / 336x100 mobile)
Description: Article banner

Category products banner (270x505) - content centered
Description: Category products banner
Homepage campaigns (370x350)
Description: Homepage campaigns
Homepage campaigns carousel 2/3 (770x350 / 340x320 mobile)
Description: Homepage campaigns
Homepage campaigns 1/3 (370x350 / 340x320 mobile)
Description: Homepage campaigns
Sidebar banner (270x400)
Description: Sidebar banner

Popup banner with small image height and predefined products (800x400)
Description: Popup banner with small image height and predefined products
Popup banner with fully filled with image (800x600)
Description: Popup banner with fully filled with image

Popup banner with text in the top and predefined products
Description: Popup banner with text in the top and predefined products

Vouchers on profile page (540x360)
Description: Vouchers on profile page

Communication banner on profile page (870x160 / 335x100)
Description: Communication banner on profile page

Notification bar
Description: Notification bar

Newsletter popup (width: 808px)
Description: Newsletter popup

Bottom corner popup (width: 672px, max height (without text): 840px)
Description: Bottom corner popup

Campaign newsletter popup (width: 808px)
Description: Campaign newsletter popup

Order success side banner (392x392)
Description: Order success side banner (392x392)

Slider banner
Description: Sliding image or text

Product inner top (before description)
Description: Product inner top (before description)

Product inner bottom (after Q&A)
Description: Product inner bottom (after Q&A)